Fast and safe shipping service to Europe

Do you need shipping to Europe?

You’re not decided on which kind of transportation to take?

Please contact World Courier Logistics for prompt service and the best prices.

How to ship goods to Europe?

  • Express delivery 
  • Urgent express delivery
  • Express delivery at a low cost
  • On-time delivery by courier
  • Air cargo transportation
  • Sea cargo transportation

World Courier has built a reputation for providing freight services to European countries such as the UK, France, and Eastern Europe during many years. 

Our containers are sent to major European ports every week, including Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Stockholm, and Marseilles.

Shipping Service in World Courier
  • Transport large volumes of goods, heavy goods, many different types of goods
  • Less expensive than delivering by air
  • Deliver and receive goods anywhere with no constraints on the route because 70% of our earth is covered by water.

However, this transportation is heavily affected by weather conditions and long shipping time.

When to choose shipping by air to Europe?

  • Transport goods with small or medium size
  • Fast shipping
  • High level of safety which leads to lower shipping insurance due to less risk than other methods
  • Deliver and receive goods anywhere 

In contrast, the major disadvantage of air transportation is the relatively expensive freight rate.

Therefore choosing the best transportation route is based on the needs and type of goods  that need to be transported quickly or slowly.

How much does it cost to ship goods to Europe?

The cost of shipping to Europe is calculated based on the shipping method.

If you choose to send goods by sea, the cost will be cheaper and more affordable than shipping by air. However, the delivery time is limited.

You can contact us for further information on how much the shipping fee is according to your cargo.

How long does it take to ship to Europe?

The time it takes to get the cargo varies depending on the shipping method you choose, such as sea or air shipment, express or urgent express delivery.

By sea

Orders that are huge in size and weight (250 kg or more) will be shipped to Europe by sea. Shipping fee by port will be cheaper than by air.  

However, delivery times will be longer from 7-10 days to even 14-15 days. Because it is affected by a variety of circumstances such as customs procedures, weather conditions, and so on.

Express delivery

With express delivery, your cargo will be shipped to the recipient quickly. World Courier will handle all of the necessary procedures to help the goods clear customs as quickly as possible. Your goods will be shipped within 3-5 working days.

Economical delivery

If the delivery time is not critical, you can save money by using our low-cost shipping option. Your cargo may travel slower with a cost-effective service, but you will save money. The average turnaround time is 6-7 working days.

World Courier Logistics is a prestigious company in the freight forwarding industry.

We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction with the following shipping service criteria:

  • Offer the best SHIPPING SERVICE at a competitive price.
  • Ensure the goods’ safety and integrity
  • Confidentiality of customer information
  • Fast delivery procedure
  •  Arrange a variety of products in a pleasing manner.
  • Professional services in warehousing, transportation, and packaging
  • Specializing in freight forwarding services, diverse modes of transport
  • Cooperate with reputable airline agents and airlines 
  • Maintain a flexible relationship with key domestic and international businesses
  • Transportation frequency (daily transportation)

World Courier receives a wide range of goods for delivery to Europe. We do not accept goods that are prohibited from being shipped in Vietnam and other European countries.

We are committed to offer you with the best service experience possible on the Vietnam – Europe route, including the cheapest price, the fastest delivery time, and  the highest guarantee of goods safety during shipping. 

Besides, we also offer door to door service so the goods will be delivered to recipients across European nations.

Contact us for more information:

Head Office: 01. Hoang Ngoc Phach, Dong Da District , Hanoi city




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